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Hereby the full translation of the Petition call into English from the original French petition text.
Please SIGN the online Petition by clicking onto the following link : PETITION ,
PETITION call to the men and women of honour from France and from BEYOND
NO to the release by France of the ASSASSIN-slaughterer
of Dr Shahpour BAKHTIAR, last Prime Minister of the Shah of Iran

Against the “LEGAL” escape of an Islamist TERRORIST monster imprisoned in France

The most BARBAROUS and cruellest of Islamic Terrorists, murderer Ali Vakili Rad, sentenced to life imprisonment in 1994, and detained in the same prison as his fellow-Terrorist Carlos converted with the Islam of Oussama Ben Laden, might rather well, like once his Islamist sidekick Anis Naccache, be released, in an anticipated way, to be flown, the very same day, to Teheran, i.e. back amongst his ayatollesque sleeping partners who claim, proclaim and acclaim him, in violation of any moral sense, reckoning on the supposed pusillanimity and cynicism of their French interlocutors.

Inexpiable is the unnameable CRIME of State Terrorism perpetrated by this Islamist BARBARIAN, a commissioned agent of the Islamic Republic (see the judiciary investigation masterly carried out by anti- Terrorist judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere) sent straight from Teheran in order to cut with a knife, with an unheard-of SAVAGERY and a nameless BARBARITY, the throat of Dr Shahpour Bakhtiar, the most civilized and most Francophile of anti-totalitarian Iranian resisters, and a SECULARIST counter- revolutionary opponent, foe of Islamic-Revolutionary TOTALITARIANISM, the last Prime Minister of the Shah of Iran, and for that reason, the ultimate bulwark in 1979 against the Islamic Revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini and his devoted minions, a combat fought on into exile UNTIL HIS LAST BREATH as a political refugee in France, his adopted homeland.

Should we remind those oblivious of who the Persian opponent Dr Shahpour Bakhtiar was, the subject of so much ante-mortem vile bargaining (of which his programmed assassination was the stake) and so many post-mortem deals (Naccache, Vakili Rad), slaughtered on French soil by the henchmen of the ayatollahs who cut off his throat and hands? Can anyone forget that this refined and generous Persian aristocrat, doubly graduate of the Sorbonne in Philosophy and Law, steeped in French culture as much as in Persian poetry, more Persian than the Persians, but more French than the French, was so passionately enamoured with France that he joined the French Army (rather than the Foreign Legion) during the Second World War, a unique and unprecedented fact in Military annals in view of his extraneous (alien) status (exemption granted in recognition of his undeniable love for France), and then he continued the fight by engaging in the [ French] underground Resistance to Nazi Occupation out of his refusal of defeatism. He was a man of honour and of commitment fundamentally just and a legalist, to whom France owes more than infinite respect, as a Volunteer of the French Army, prepared to fall on the field of honour for its adoption French homeland in 1939-40, as a member of the underground French Resistance,  ready to shed his blood and to sacrifice his life to liberate France from the foreign Nazi Occupation. In short, a hero to whom France is thus forever bound by a MORAL debt which she [= France] has never paid off, quite to the contrary (see the sordid and infamous case of the release of the Terrorist commando Naccache, mastermind of the first aborted nevertheless bloody assassination attempt at Dr Shapour Bakhtiar in the suburban residential area of Paris Neuilly back in 1980).

If by any unfortunate chance, by some aberration which would derogate from all the existing human principles, the Judiciary system of the French Republic (which DOUBLE-STANDARDLY refuses to release other Terrorists such as the Christian Lebanese George Ibrahim Abdallah, imprisoned for the last 26 years, or the atheist Marxist of the Terrorist organisation “Action Directe” Jean-Marc Rouillan, arrested 23 years ago) would discredited itself by granting the discretionary privilege of an actual early release to the Islamic Terrorist Ali Vakili Rad, a barbarian who, like Naccache, never felt the slightest regret and, even worse, sought only to sully the name of his victim beyond the atrocious death that he inflicted to him with his own slaughtering hands; then such an ignominy would amount to irremediably soiling the honour of France, by giving reason to the Islamists, and to assassinating for the second time Dr Shahpour Bakhtiar, except that this time the wretched murderers would be in white collars or black and red robes impregnated with the never-dried blood of Dr Shahpour Bakhtiar; and, in such an abjectissimous perspective, one would have the right to question the loyalty of France towards her most dedicated foreign friends, and still more, the very significance of the words Honour and Faithfulness.

No doubt that, quite in contradistinction, Ali Vakili Rad will be feted and celebrated in Teheran like a revolutionary hero, even more than erstwhile Khomeinist Terrorist Anis Naccache. For Vakili Rad succeeded wherein his predecessor Naccache had failed: in ASSASSINATING Dr Shahpour Bakhtiar, the last Prime Minister of the Shah, an uncompromising anti-Islamist opponent, murdered as ancient Aryan prophet Zarathustra at the canonical age of 77, heir and champion of the values of Persian and French CIVILISATIONS that both are antagonistic to the misogynist Islamic-Revolutionary BARBARIC Totalitarianism instituted by the bloodthirsty Ayatollah Khomeini, the “imam” of Neauphle-le-Château, built in the putative NEMESIS of the Shah of Iran.
In the face of such an INFAMY, let us REACT!

Initiator of the 2010 Petition-Appeal :
Dr Shahpour IRANSHAHI, 77, exiled Persian in Paris, FRANCE
founder of the Paris-based NGO International Committee Against State Terrorism (I.C.A.S.T.),
organiser of a commemorative symposium on the 10th anniversary of the assassination of Dr Shahpour Bakhtiar in the French Senate in 2001, the only ever commemoration in an official state building of France  for this assassination (symposium with a mixed French and Iranian audience).

    PETITION in English        www.bakhtiar.fr